what a health coach is…and why you might need one

May 26, 2021

Have you ever wanted to achieve a certain health goal, and really tried to stay on track..? Maybe you did everything you could to try to stay motivated, driven, and doing the things you thought you needed to do,  in order to achieve that goal..?

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Or maybe, you have been dealing with some health issues for a while, have been to several doctors, and they tell you that you are fine or they just can’t figure out what is going on with you. BUT you just know that you are NOT fine because you just don’t feel right, and you want to get to the bottom of it..instead of being brushed off time and time again..

Either one of those situations (and many more) can be reasons to seek out a health coach.

With goals, and/or health issues, you need accountability. You need empowerment. And heck, you also need someone to point you in the direction of the actual truth, to bring you the reliable information that is found tucked and smooshed deep down in the twisted, confusing sink hole that is the internet.

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There is soooo much conflicting information piled up out there, that who knows what truth is about anything anymore.. right?

‘This food is the best food for weight loss….Wait no instead it’s this other food. And DON’T eat the first food we told you about 2 months ago. It will actually make you gain weight and possibly never lose it!!...’

‘Do this specific exercise for this very specific amount of time because it’s the best exercise you can do, hands down.. NO! Do this other exercise instead, but you can do it for much less time and still get the same benefits of the first exercise.. Wait, No, actually the best type of exercise is the type that you read about 5 weeks ago that doesn’t even feel like exercise at all, and you can do it all while you’re eating, like, whatever you want! So it’s a win-win.. so just do that one instead and forget about all the others!’

It all gets to be way too much! Where do you even go from there?

Then, likely you’ll just throw up your hands, and waste away your precious time “liking” every last photo or video on social media, while stress chomping on kettle chips (because they’re the healthier kind..right??), completely forgoing cooking a nutritious meal, and skipping exercising all together because of your google induced paralytic state of wellness confusion.

…sound even a little familiar….?

Well, that is where a good health coach can step in to help you. A good health coach who understands the body and how it works from a functional perspective could be just what you need.

What does “functional perspective” mean?

A functional approach to health takes into consideration how the whole body works together. It does not separate one part from the other, because everything is truly connected. It looks at finding the root cause of your issues, and how one thing can be related to another, and so on. All of this looking into things can help you figure out maybe why you can’t stay motivated, and always revert back to your old way of eating no matter how hard you try. It explores why you could possibly be having the symptoms you are experiencing, to dig deep to find out what may actually be causing you to feel the way that you do.

Now, maybe you are skeptical.. You wonder: “How can a health coach possibly know more than my doctor? If my doctor can’t figure out what is wrong with me, how is a health coach really going to?  I mean doctors go to school forever, study the body in-depth, learn vast amounts of medical information, and specialize in their area of expertise. They can also prescribe me meds and with everything I have going on. I probably need something at this point…”

Now please don’t get me wrong. Doctors are definitely needed, specifically in emergencies, and in certain situations, as well as, yes, to prescribe you medications if that is really what you decide you may need.

A health coach is not trying to be your doctor, yet we are here to fill the spaces between you and your doctor. We help you dig into your health on a deeper level with a well-rounded knowledge of the body and how it works, every system interconnected, related to each other, and affecting each other. We are here to bring you the reliable information that you have been looking for, and to help you understand things that you may not have been able to understand about what you are going through simply by going to your 15 minute doctor’s appointment. Maybe you don’t even know the right questions to ask your doctor to begin to understand your condition, and why you have these strange symptoms going on. All of these things health coaches are well versed in and are able to help your through. We are here to educate, guide, empower, motivate, support and keep you accountable because your doctor does not have the time to, nor is it in your doctor’s job description to do so.

We gather lots of information from you regarding all aspects of health from your food intake, to stress level, to how you sleep, what your relationships are like, and even to what you do to have fun! So many things play into why you may be experiencing what you are, and everything needs to be taken into consideration in exploring what could be going on under (and on) that skin of yours. We help guide you to solutions in a way that is friendly and low stress for you, because goodness knows NOBODY needs added stress these days!

We work with you one on one, and in group settings, both of which can be extremely beneficial depending on your needs. We offer courses, guides, and groups for you to learn more about certain topics. We offer pantry and refrigerator clean out sessions to help you learn what foods are healthy and why, and to help prepare you for your next grocery shopping excursion.

We offer so many ways to get you on track and help you understand what it means, and ultimately what it feels like, to be healthy!

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We truly want you to succeed with your health goals! We want you to feel better!

Our passion for helping people and learning about the function of the human body is why we got into health coaching in the first place. We love life and want everyone to be able to live it fully, freely and feel really good!

So if you are floundering and feeling lost with reaching your health goals because nothing is working for you... there could be deeper issues going on regarding some aspect of your health. Until you address those, you might not be able to succeed very easily. There is something hindering you, and you just need to figure out what that thing is.

A health coach can help you get there..

In short, that is why you may need one of us. Someone who really cares about helping you as an individual. Someone who will take the time with you that you deserve, and be able to help get you to the place that you have always wanted to be.. feeling amazing, empowered, confident, and intentional with how you live your life, knowing that you are doing everything you can to keep yourself healthy for a long long while.

Being able to help people to have a better life means the world to us..


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