Taking time for you … self care

When is the last time you took time for yourself to really slow down and do something that you truly enjoy without distractions or feeling guilty and like should be doing something else.

Do you even remember? If it was just yesterday, or this morning, then awesome job!

If you don't actually remember, then maybe this is something to think about..

Self care, anyone??

In our busy lives, taking time for yourself, to do something you love and brings you peace and calm, is essential to health and happiness.

We have overcommitted ourselves, have jobs we have to do, have to take care of our family, cook, clean, attempt to have a social life, and just try to do all of the things.. This leaves little time to relax, pamper yourself and allow yourself the time and space for only you.

Not taking the time for self care on a regular basis can lead to exhaustion, feelings of depression and anxiety, feelings of lack of purpose, bad relationships with food and people, unhealthy habits, and a never ending feeling of being overly committed and stressed out, not to mention all of the other potential long term effects on your physical, mental and emotional health.

You may get to the frightening point of complete burnout, exhaustion and overwhelm, to the point that you can’t even function, if you neglect yourself for too long…and nobody wants that..


Everyone is different, so figuring out for yourself how often you need to practice self care, and where you can fit it in nicely in your day or week, is the first step.

If you are not even sure what you would do in your free time, think about what you enjoy and what relaxes you.

It can be anything that makes you feel calm, peaceful, and brings you joy. Self care allows your mind and body to re-center and let go of the stress of life. It allows you to reconnect with yourself and fill up with what you need in order to be your best self when you go back out into the world.

If you don't take the time and space you need to take care of your mental, physical, and emotional well being first, then you won't be able to take care of others, bring your full self to your work, or have the great relationships with your family, and friends that we all need in today's fast paced world.

Some examples of things I like to do to practice self care:

  • Walking, stretching and meditating - usually in nature and sometimes with inspiring music.

  • Having tea and cuddling up while reading or watching a good movie.

  • Laying in the sun and fully relaxing.

  • Taking a long hot shower and giving myself a facial massage.

  • Cooking something healthy, delicious and creative, and eating it slowly while thoroughly savoring all the flavors.

  • Using my sauna while meditating and doing breathwork.

  • Journaling and creative writing.

  • Connecting and laughing with like minded friends.

    Most of all, living in the present moment, getting out of the “fight or flight” mode of the nervous system by breathing, and honoring myself and my needs is an impactful form of self care that can be practiced at any moment, especially when things get crazy! I like to think of this as a form of self care “ maintenance”.

Your idea of self care and what makes you feel good and fills you up may be very different.

Whatever it is, starting to implement it into your daily or weekly routine is a great thing to do to lower your feelings of stress and the “go go go” mentality.

Allowing yourself time for you can also increase your creativity, connection with yourself, and feelings of purpose in life.

Most importantly, get off social media or other devices while you are caring for yourself.

Listen to peaceful, high vibration music or just be in silence. Both are wonderful ways to allow your mind to wander and for you to discover more about your amazing self in the process..

Your life is a journey. Taking it one step at a time is essential wherever you are in the process. Every little step will lead to something else..

Just remember to enjoy it along the way :)


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