Functional Wellness coaching

for your health, happiness, purpose and peace..
towards a long and beautiful life

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Education, Preparation, and Action

I provide you with reliable information that will enable you to move forward with your health goals with confidence, and feeling empowered to take control of your health.

a personalized and functional approach

We dig into your health concerns, looking into what may be the cause of symptoms you are experiencing. A functional approach to health looks at how the whole body functions together, how everything is connected, and aims at discovering the root cause of your symptoms.

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Support, guidance, and accountability

Along with our 1:1 sessions, I provide you with continuous email support, help in preparing for doctor appointments, and a variety of other support based on your needs. I am available to answer questions that pop up along your journey, and provide you with new information and guidance as needed.

Your health is a journey, and I am here for it..

I work alongside you and give you the tools

you need to succeed in your health goals

with efficiency, ease,

and at your own pace

What we focus on…

all areas of health

  • Whole Foods

    Choosing nourishing, life-giving foods is a large part of your journey to better health. When you choose foods that are healthy, you honor yourself at a cellular level. You feed your mind, body and soul to enable yourself to live your most abundant life

  • Stress perception

    Learning how to see stress differently, and how to tune into yourself to understand and give yourself what you need is very important, and will help you in any situation.

  • Movement

    Discovering movement that feels good to you and your body, that you enjoy, and that doesn’t stress you out is an important factor in your wellness journey.

  • fun!

    Do you have fun enough? Can you remember the last time you really, truly had fun? Finding your version of honest to goodness fun is what it’s all about :)

  • sleep

    How much sleep do you get each night? Learning and applying proper sleep hygiene can improve your health more than you may think.

  • Spirituality

    Having faith in something greater than yourself..

  • creativity

    Do you enjoy doing something creative? We all are creative beings, and nurturing your creative ability, however great or however small, can be part of a wonderful and fulfilling life.

  • trauma

    Although, we may not like to think about it, we all have experienced some degree of trauma. When working with all aspects of health, sometimes this needs to be recognized in order for you to live your life to the fullest.

Work with renee

  • 3 or 6 month journey

    A longer term plan allows you to learn at your own pace, implement changes over time, and address new things that come up along the way..

  • one time sessions

    We work together to give you a boost and clear direction towards your health goals. I offer a variety of one-time wellness sessions.

  • Plant-based transition program

    For the one who is ready to make the shift towards a plant-based lifestyle, or is in the process and needs more help. This includes guidance and support related to food and other areas of health as well based on your needs.

contact me for a free 15 minute consultation

follow me on instagram and facebook to get wellness ideas and tips